Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is. You can find the information in each database record: Scopus, Web of Science, DOAJ, PubMed Central, and PubMed. In addition, for the Web of Science Core Collection, Belitung Nursing Journal is included in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
Based on Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR) 2022, Belitung Nursing Journal ranks Q3.
We do not provide the article template. You can just follow submission checklists. The main text file should be in Ms. Word format, one column, double space, A4, Times New Roman, Font 11. For Indonesians, you may need to check these videos (How to prepare Main Text and Title Page) for your reference for submission.
The current publication fee is 555$. There is no submission fee, color fee, editorial fee, page fee, or any hidden fees. You can find more information here.
We do not provide a fast-track review or a fast-track publication. Instead, each article is treated equally. The info on the editorial process can be seen here
This question is similar to a fast-track publication, and we do not provide such a publishing system like that. Each article must undergo a strict editorial and peer review. Once the paper is accepted, it will be published online first in Early View after passing copyediting and proofreading processes.
No, we can’t do that. It is ethically unacceptable. There must be no guarantee of acceptance before the submission.
Belitung Nursing Journal uses an Open Access model, not a subscription model. However, a yearly subscription is available for Indonesian institutions only to fulfill the need for educational accreditations. You can find more information here.
You can find the guideline here, or you may check this video.
Please note that there is no guarantee of publication acceptance in this journal. Articles from either a reviewer or a board member must be treated equally through a strict editorial and peer review.
Yes, we provide a 10-20% of publication fee discount for one review. It can be claimed on submission of the manuscript. You can find the information here.
Yes, you can. We connect with ReviewerCredits. So, after you complete the review, you will get the certificate automatically. But you need to sign up to ReviewerCredits first, and it is a free registration
You need to check our homepage. You will see the information about turnaround time easily.
No, each paper must be submitted through the system only. You need to register and login into the system. You may check this video on how to register as an author and submit an article
Yes, we do. Please read the guideline for conference organizers here.

Please also read our Principles of Transparency.