Belitung Nursing Journal (BNJ) is an official publication of the Belitung Raya Foundation, Indonesia. BNJ is fully managed by the Department of Publication, Belitung Raya Foundation, Indonesia, collaborated with the Indonesian National Nurses Association of Belitung Indonesia (PPNI Belitung) and Prodi D3 Keperawatan Belitung Poltekkes Kemenkes RI Pangkal Pinang, Indonesia.
Sponsor & Ownership
BNJ is fully sponsored, funded, and owned by Belitung Raya Foundation as a non-profit organization focusing on education, health, information technology, and social empowerment of the community. Belitung Raya Foundation was established in 2015 with an official license of establishment from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (MENKUMHAM RI) with No: AHU-0009599.AH.01.12.Year 2015 and Notarial Deed No: 12 on 06 July 2015 by SRI ARIYAWATI, SH., M.KN.