Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Transforming Healthcare: AI & Management Innovations


Artificial intelligence in healthcare administration: Topic modeling with InfraNodus

Joko Gunawan
Belitung Raya Foundation, Indonesia


artificial intelligence, healthcare administration, InfraNodus, topic modeling, text network analysis, healthcare quality, clinical decision, machine learning, data utilization, risk assessment

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The author declared no conflict of interest in this study.



Author’s Contribution

This editorial was solely written by JG.

Data Availability Statement

The data analyzed in this study were available upon request.

Declaration of the Use of AI in Scientific Writing

GPT-4, integrated within InfraNodus, was utilized to generate names for the topical clusters and examine fundamental relationships among concepts. Nonetheless, the author conducted a thorough review, analysis, and editing of the content, assuming complete responsibility for the publication.


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