Newborn care knowledge and practices among mothers in Baguio City, Philippines: A descriptive correlational study
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- Frildah Aifondoka Vongula - Google Scholar | PubMed
- Rachelle Gay Rosario Pacial - Google Scholar | PubMed
Background: Maternal knowledge and practices on newborn care are crucial in ensuring the well-being of infants, particularly in areas such as cord care, pain and fever management, and stimulation of senses. The Department of Health (DOH) and other health programs aim to promote better newborn care practices, but maternal knowledge gaps may persist.
Objective: The study aimed to assess the level of knowledge and practice of mothers regarding newborn care, specifically focusing on cord care, pain and fever management, and stimulation of senses.
Methods: A quantitative descriptive correlational design was used. The study involved 308 mothers from three barangays in Baguio City, selected using stratified random sampling. Data were collected from 6 February 2023 to 20 March 2023 through a self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data.
Results: Mothers had high knowledge of cord care and stimulation of senses, and average knowledge of pain and fever management. For practice, mothers scored highly in cord care, pain and fever management, and stimulation of senses. Significant differences were found in knowledge of pain and fever management by age (p = 0.044) and civil status (p = 0.015). A weak, significant positive correlation (r = 0.229, p <0.001) was observed between knowledge and practice.
Conclusion: The study found a positive relationship between knowledge and practice, indicating that informed mothers are more likely to implement appropriate newborn care practices. There is a need to enhance maternal education, especially on pain and fever management, to promote better neonatal outcomes. Health programs should continue to focus on improving maternal knowledge through accessible information and support.
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