The extent of sexual and reproductive health services utilization among adolescents in Abuja, Nigeria: A cross-sectional study
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Background: Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services (SRHS) is crucial for adolescent health, yet their utilization remains low in many regions. In Abuja Municipal Area, the extent of SRHS use among female adolescents is unclear, prompting this study to assess the utilization level.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the extent of SRHS utilization among female adolescents in Abuja Municipal Area, Nigeria.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted involving 214 female adolescents. Data were collected from February to July 2023 using a structured questionnaire, with responses analyzed to determine the extent of SRHS utilization. Statistical analysis was done using means, t-tests, and ANOVA to assess the impact of marital status, educational level, and other factors.
Results: The overall SRHS utilization among adolescents was low, with an average weighted mean of 1.50, categorized as "Not Extensive." Married adolescents used more SRHS than single adolescents, with a significant difference (t = -7.07, p <0.001) in services such as antenatal care (mean = 2.22 for married vs. 1.37 for single, p <0.001), contraceptive counseling (mean = 1.92 for married vs. 1.33 for single, p <0.001), and postnatal care (mean = 2.10 for married vs. 1.35 for single, p <0.001). Educational level did not significantly influence SRHS utilization, with p-values for contraceptive counseling (p = 0.287) and STI counseling (p = 0.155) showing no significant differences across primary, secondary, and tertiary education groups. Psychological, socio-cultural, and economic factors were major barriers to accessing SRHS.
Conclusion: The SRHS utilization among female adolescents in Abuja is insufficient, with marital status being a significant factor in service usage. To improve access, there is a need for targeted interventions, including education on SRHS and the development of informational materials, such as brochures, to enhance awareness and reduce barriers to access.
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Declaration of Conflicting Interest
The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
I, Josephine Akor Onuh, would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the School of Advance Studies, Faculty of Nursing of Saint Louis University Baguio, Philippines. I also thank my panelists, participants, and Research Supervisor. Most importantly, I thank my parents for their prayers and guidance.
Authors’ Contributions
Josephine Akor Onuh and Rachelle Gay Rosario Pacial made a very commendable contribution regarding the topic in areas like the literature review, data collection and interpretation, revisions, and preparation of the final manuscript for publication.
Data Availability Statement
The datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Declaration of the Use of AI in Scientific Writing
There is nothing to declare.
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