Policy on the Use of AI in Scientific Writing

This policy has been introduced on 22 March 2023 due to the increasing use of such technologies by content creators. The policy aims to enhance transparency and provide guidance to authors, editors, reviewers, readers, and contributors. The publisher will monitor this trend and modify the policy if necessary. It should be noted that this policy only applies to the writing process and not to using AI tools for data analysis during the research process.

If authors decide to use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies during the writing process, they should only do so to enhance the work's readability and language. The use of these technologies should be supervised and controlled by humans, and authors must carefully review and edit the output because it can be incomplete, incorrect, or biased. Ultimately, the authors are responsible and accountable for the content of their work.

To disclose the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process, authors must add a statement to the end of their manuscript in a new section titled "Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process" before the References list.

Statement: The author(s) used [NAME TOOL/SERVICE] during the preparation of this work to [REASON]. After utilizing the tool/service, the author(s) thoroughly reviewed and edited the content as necessary and assumed full responsibility for the publication's content.

This declaration will be required for published articles starting from Vol 2(1) 2023.

It is worth noting that this policy doesn't apply to basic tools like grammar and spelling checkers. If there is nothing to disclose, state “nothing to disclose”.

Furthermore, authors shouldn't list AI and AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author or cite AI as an author. Authorship implies tasks and responsibilities that only humans can perform. Each (co-) author is accountable for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of their work and must approve the final version and agree to its submission. Additionally, authors must ensure that their work is original, that they qualify for authorship, and that it doesn't infringe on third-party rights.